MSAD #51 District Newsletter - January 11, 2024

From the Superintendent

j.porterAs we head into the holiday weekend, it's a good time to pause and consider the life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King. Dr. King's legacy is often tied to his famous 1963 speech "I Have a Dream" and the struggle for racial equality, but his interests and influence were considerably more expansive. On the place of education and schools in society, Dr. King stated that Americans must be able to navigate the "morass of propaganda" that comes from modern living. In order to do this, "education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the fact from the fiction." He acknowledged that "to think incisively and think for one's self is very difficult" given the powerful influence of societal pressures and opinions.

Though his legacy is rooted in the mid-20th Century, Dr. King's words transcend time in so many ways. The advent of the internet, smart phones, and social media have unquestionably dominated the last couple of decades in ways that invariably shape how we view, and ultimately interact with, the world around us. The current generation of young people were born into this culture and will have a lifetime of exposure to infinite amounts of information accessible at their fingertips in ways that many adults cannot fully relate to. Our schools have a responsibility, more than ever before, to educate students less about content acquisition and more about the necessary life-long skills for analyzing and discerning information. As we continue shifting in this direction, preparing tomorrow's adults for the demands of the 21st Century, Dr. King's words ring true and are a compelling reminder of the essential role of education in our democracy.

Jeff Porter 

Congratulations to the 11 students* who participated in Greely High School's 2024 Poetry Out Loud competition on January 9. The students' performances were inspirational! The runner-up of this year's competition is Saihaj Kohli, and the winner is Chloe Schueman, who will advance to the Southern Maine Regional Competition in February.
*2024 classroom winners: Archer Vine, Keenan Barry, Rowan Barry, Saihaj Kohli, Isaiah Morgan, Camden Wengler, Jordan Young, Marinna Emery, Chloe Schueman, Charlie Devine, and Sierra LeFebvre.

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MSAD #51 Board of Directors Information

All meetings will take place at 6:00 pm in the Gyger Room at Greely High School.  For those of you unfamiliar with that room, the Gyger Room can be accessed from the GHS parking lot (the side without the electronic sign).

January 16 - Regular Meeting

Remember you can watch our meetings on YouTube LIVE (

Meeting Dates, Agendas & Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting Videos

Community Partners

Our Community Partners are strong supporters of various areas of the school.  Without them, our students would not have manyof the wonderful opportunities and experiences that they receive.

Stand Up! Stand Out! Become and Upstander with Jason Tardy

Community Notices

Community Notices are not affiliated with MSAD #51.  Please contact the organization directly with any questions.  For a full listing of Community Notices, please click HERE.

West African Drumming

Minding your Mind


Useful Links

Employment Opportunities

MSAD #51 Website

2018-2023 Strategic Plan

District Calendar

GHS Athletics Schedule

Greely Center for the Arts Events


If you would like something included in our weekly newsletter, please send a brief write up with title along with a JPEG or PNG image of your flyer (if applicable) to Melissa Porter for approval. The deadline each week is Sunday. Any requests received after Sunday will be reviewed for possible submission in the following week's newsletter. All approved submissions will be posted on the district's website.

Not all items in this email are MSAD #51 sponsored programs. If you need more information, please contact the group or organization that is sponsoring the event.

Maine School Administrative District #51
357 Tuttle Road, PO Box 6A, Cumberland, ME 04021
Contact Us   |   207.829.4800