SAD51 American Rescue Plan  (ESSERIII)
Use of Funds Plan - Draft
The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund was enacted on March 11, 2021. These funds allow states and school districts to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the nation’s students.
Cumulative Amount:    $393,818.56 
  • 20% set aside for Learning Recovery  $78,763.71
  • Remaining Amount     $262,545.70
The use of these funds is summarized below as well as outlined in our Greely Goes Green Plan for the reopening of schools in the Fall of 2021.
Process To Determine Priorities
The District Leadership Team has been working with our Health Advisory Team, our Association leaders, our local Board of Directors, staff, and families since last May to create a plan for our ARP-  ESSER III funds.  A "Greely goes Green" plan was created to guide the reopening of our schools for the 21/22 School Year.  This plan was shared with staff during a forum last spring, and with the public through a district newsletter and a presentation at a meeting with the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors’ meeting time and agenda were posted on the district and individual schools websites  The meetings are open to the public as well as live streamed in both of our communities.  The meetings always include a time for public comment.  Feedback was taken during these events and shared with administrators during a June retreat.  Changes were made to the plan based on this feedback.
Priority Area 1
Nursing Support - MSAD51 will hire an additional nurse for the 21/22 School Year.  This additional nurse will help us with contact tracing, pooled testing, Binax testing, vaccine clinics, and contact/coordination at the state level.
Priority Area 2
4.5 additional classroom teachers - Our plan is to reduce class size by hiring 4.5 additional classroom teachers which will allow for in school acceleration.  Our content leaders have created "Essential Standards" to help focus education on the knowledge and skills essential to each grade level.  The hope is that hiring 4.5 additional classroom teachers will allow us to reach more students in a timely way. 
These priority areas have been identified as important and valuable based on feedback from multiple stakeholder groups.  They are not items that were included in the 21/22 school budget.