Update from the Superintendent - January 18, 2024

At a time when "data-driven" has become a catchphrase for many organizations, including schools, I like to think of MSAD #51 as "data-informed" and "student-driven." Just to be clear, data is critically important to our school district, but we do not place it before the needs of students; rather, we use it to support our students.

One important data set is the annual stakeholder surveys that asks our students (grades 3-12), staff, and parents/guardians to provide us feedback on a variety of topics that affect the way we support our students in keeping with our mission to help "all students achieve their personal best." In effect, this is a quality assurance tool that helps us evaluate whether or not we are providing an educational service that meets the needs of our students and the expectations of staff and parents/guardians.

Earlier this week, you should have received a link to this survey depending on your primary connection to MSAD #51 (student, staff member, or parent/guardian). In 2023, we were fortunate to have 2,454 respondents complete this survey, representing 47% of all stakeholders requested to participate. This number was almost twice that of respondents in 2020, when we last administered this survey, providing us a real pulse on the views and attitudes of those connected to our school community.

Why are these surveys important and how do we use the results?

360 degree feedback sought on key areas of district & schools

Regularly measure stakeholder attitudes

Helps district monitor trends and proactively respond

Helps inform future Strategic Plan priorities

Mark progress & make changes in Site Improvement Plans and other areas of schools & departments

Once the survey window closes and data has been compiled, a summary of the results will be presented to the Board and made available to all stakeholders in the district's weekly newsletter. Thank you in advance for taking a few moments to share your feedback with us.